Why Democrats Should Hope Trump Runs in 2024

Becky Smith
4 min readNov 13, 2020

His 2024 candidacy will put the final nail in the GOP coffin and shatter the populist coalition.

As a lifelong liberal Democrat, I was aghast when I first heard of Donald’s musings about running again. I pictured rallies of wound up white people chanting “4 more years” and fountains of lies spewing from Twitter and Fox…you get the picture.

Funny thing, when I sat awhile mulling the idea my mood improved greatly. The more I pondered, the happier I got. I began thinking how this announcement would bend the next group of GOP candidates out of shape. They couldn’t go against him in 2020 (better said, they wouldn’t). His loss to Biden should have freed them from kow tow duties. Thinking of the ‘next in line” was why my outlook improved. Below is a link to a list of potential Republican candidates from Ballotpedia.org. Don’t worry, I won’t go through the list one by one. Only the most entitled Trumpistas make my “short list”.


Imagine the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth at campaign headquarters of Mike Pence, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo and Marco Rubio when Trump drops this load in their punch bowl.

Leading indicators from Iowa confirm Pence, Cotton, Cruz, Haley, Pompeo, Rubio and Scott have been positioning themselves as 2024 candidates. “Cotton, who is headed for a landslide reelection next week, had been coming to Iowa for years. So had former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who campaigned here last week with Sen. Joni Ernst. So had Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who told a crowd of Iowa social conservatives this summer that “the University of Iowa is my mother-in-law’s alma mater,” before touting the Trump administration’s record on fighting for “religious liberty” around the world. So, obviously, had Vice President Pence, who flew into Des Moines on Thursday — his sixth visit to the state this year.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem had keynoted a party dinner in Council Bluffs; Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) had joined Ernst on a bus tour; Sens. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.) had maxed out donations to Ashley Hinson, the Republican running for Congress in Cedar Rapids. And in January, Sen. Rick Scott had run ads attacking Joe Biden, introducing himself to Iowans a full four years before any of them would be picking a Trump successor.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/10/29/trailer-republicans-build-their-own-fan-clubs-iowa/

And, of course, presidential candidates aren’t the only ones who will suffer. The Grand Old Party will finally become the Gone Old Party. Leadership abdicated all power and glory to the 2016 Trump. With his 2024 ploy, the last glimmer of hope to revive the Party of Reagan goes dark. What will it look like when moderates must prove their fealty and drink the kool-aid one more time? Populists already flushed Justin Amash and Will Hurd from their ranks. As for the moderates, poor Mitt (Romney), poor Susan (Collins), poor Lisa (Murkowski), poor Thad (Cochran), and poor Charles (Grassley). They thought they’d be cut free from the ropes of fealty and finally be left to legislate in peace. Sorry, Charlie.

What elation for the hair-on-fire, bomb throwing Trump evangelists who, once again, can show their undying love and devotion to Dear Leader. I’m picturing Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Sen. David Perdue clapping and jumping up and down with glee. Hallelujah.

Why does this bring a smile to my face? Because maybe, just maybe, the world of 2024 will have moved on. Maybe, just maybe, “true believer” numbers will have dropped from 40% to 15% by 2024. Maybe, just maybe, the Big Money Doners along with the Silent Majority might think differently about reliving the glory days of kids in cages, COVID negligence, nepotism, taxpayer grift and Twitter rage.

If true, his slap down will be great fun to watch. The GOP will splinter even more as their “North Star” flames out. The thought of watching him lose again? Be still my beating heart.

In Alcoholics Anonymous one hears tales of “hitting the wall” as the trigger event for finally coming to that first meeting. Nothing changes til you hit the wall. One can only hope the same is true for Trump populists and single issue, low information (aka Fox only information) voters. Hope springs eternal that these lost souls will have “hit the wall” and are “in recovery”. In the end, too much Trump is too much.

Trump 24, Trump 24, Trump 24!

Photo credit: https://www.freeimg.net/photo/601155/donaldtrump-politics-usa-america



Becky Smith
Becky Smith

Written by Becky Smith

Serial Entrepreneur. Lover of Ophthalmology Practice Marketing. Astounding Friend. Wicked Fun Auntie. Steadfast Business Partner.

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